Rockbourne Parish Dog Walking Code The village of Rockbourne is privileged to have many footpaths for the use and enjoyment of its residents and visitors. We ask that all dog owners abide by the Dog Walking Code, especially around livestock. Dog-Walking-Code.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [4.4 MB]
Rockbourne Parish Council General Privacy Notice Rockbourne Parish Council General Privacy Notice - Your personal data. General Privacy Notice.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [96.6 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Standing Orders Standing orders are the written rules of Rockbourne Parish Council and they are used to regulate the proceedings of its meetings. 001-RPC Standing Orders.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [304.9 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Code of Conduct This Code of Conduct is used by Rockbourne Parish Council to promote and maintain high standards of behaviour by its members and co-opted members. 002-Rockbourne Parish Council Code of Co[...] Adobe Acrobat document [153.1 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Co-option Policy Co-option is the process by which the Parish Council selects a new Councillor when an election is not required. 003-Co-option Policy.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [151.9 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Financial Regulations A financial code of conduct for elected and co-opted members of Rockbourne Parish Council. 004-Rockbourne Parish Council Financial [...] Adobe Acrobat document [260.5 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Procurement Policy A policy to regulate the supply and purchase of good and services. 005-Rockbourne Parish Council Procuremen[...] Adobe Acrobat document [194.6 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Internal Control A statement of internal control for Rockbourne Parish Council. 006-Rockbourne Parish Council Internal C[...] Adobe Acrobat document [138.9 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Risk Management This policy aims to identify the steps needed to avoid or address risks and to provide increased confidence in the Council’s corporate governance arrangements. 007-Rockbourne Parish Council Risk Manag[...] Adobe Acrobat document [297.3 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Community Grants Policy This is a policy to guide the award of grants, by Rockbourne Parish Council, to community groups and local organisations. 008-Rockbourne Parish Council Grants Pol[...] Adobe Acrobat document [206.4 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council Data Protection Policy Rockbourne Parish Council is committed to responsibly managing all data that it handles. It will respect the confidentiality of both its own data and that belonging to any partner organisations and members of the public. 009-Rockbourne Parish Council Data Prote[...] Adobe Acrobat document [171.9 KB]
Rockbourne Press & Media Policy A policy to manage a positive relationship between the Council and the media. 012-Rockbourne Parish Council Press Med[...] Adobe Acrobat document [140.0 KB]
Rockbourne Parish Council - Public Participation Policy A policy for the participation of the public and press at Council meetings. 013-RPC Public Participation.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [141.3 KB]
Some Rockbourne Parish
Council Policies and Procedures are currently under review.
Updated information will be made
available as soon as possible.